*Art Activities in CHOCAArtsApARTment: JAN - APR 2025
**DOAÇÕES Os preços do CHOCAArts são à base de donativos - Dinheiro não é um impedimento para que se possa fazer Arte, principalmente para quem tem rendimentos baixos. Contamos com os donativos !!!apenas!!! de quem é capaz.
Todos os donativos vão para futuros workshops, materiais, modelos e orientadores.
**DONATIONS: CHOCAArts prices are donations - people on low / no income should be equally included to be able to do art.
All Donations go towards future workshops, art supplies, nude models and session orientators.
2ºFeira: 19h - 20h30 // Mondays: 19h - 20h30
> Rabiscos + Ilustrações** /// Cartooning + Doodling **
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Donations: min. 0€ / max.3€ **
Fotos = Drawing workshop, CHOCA Arts apartment, Av EUA, Lisboa
Objective: Various 5 / 15 / 30 mins cartooning / doodling activities drawing from your imagination to develop your own styles exploring various mediums + techniques
Objectivo: Várias atividades de desenho animado / rabisco de 5/15/30 minutos, usando sua imaginação para desenvolver seus próprios estilos, explorando vários meios e técnicas
4ºFeira: 19h - 20h30 // Wednesdays: 19h - 20h30
Natureza Morta /// Still life
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Donations: min. 0€ / max.3€ **
Fotos = Drawing workshop, CHOCA Arts apartment, Av EUA, Lisboa
Draw Still life: bring in objects** and / or find some around CHOCAArts Apartment
** object suggestions: something that fits in your hand, group of similar objects: eg fruit / veg., drawing objects, kitchen items, clothes etc etc
5ºFeira: 19h - 20h30 // Thursdays: 19h - 20h30
Desenho de vida /// Life drawing
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Ultima 6º do mês /// Last Friday of the month
6ºFeira: 19h - 20h30 // Fridays: 19h - 20h30
Jantar Comunitário /// Community Dinner
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Por favor, traga comida para partilhar /// Plz bring food to share
Fotos = Communal Meal, CHOCA Arts apartment, Alvalade, Lisboa Objectives: Join us for a communal meal, where we socialize, share food and music.
1: Pot luck- every1 brings whatever foods to the table and share
2: Cooking Session - a participant chooses a meal and the participants cook it
Por favor, traga comida para partilhar /// Plz bring food to share
Objectives: Join us for a communal meal, where we socialize, share food and music.
1: Pot luck- every1 brings whatever foods to the table and share
2: Cooking Session - a participant chooses a meal and the participants cook it